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Indian Journal of Law and Human Behavior

Volume  5, Issue 1, Jan-Apr 2019, Pages 67-71

Original Article

Predatory Pricing under Competition Law

K. Savitha

Guest Faculty, The Tamilnadu Dr. Ambedkar Law University, Chennai, Tamil Nadu 600028, India.

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Going-after to attack pricing puts forward a question for which decision is hard that has troubled and made secret designs the antitrust group for many years. On the one hand, history and of money and goods theory do teaching to that going-after to attack pricing can be an instrument of bad language, but on the other side, price copies of smaller size are the mark of competition, and the clear-cut help that users perhaps most desire from the of money and goods system. As the name suggests, going-after to attack pricing is the experience pricing of goods or services at such a low level that other firms cannot make an attempt to be placed over others and are forced to let go of the market. Thought this experience was mostly used by the government agencies to put a check on the unlawful activities and control monopolies of the offices, it act as a redressal apparatus rather than a sign of danger to the Equality 1 and state of being free as promised under the law. The Competition Act, 2002 outlaws going-after to attack pricing, giving attention to it as a wrongly use of chief position, stopped under Section 4. going-after to attack pricing under the Act means the exchange of goods for money of goods or statement in law of arms, at a price which is below the price, as may be worked out by rules, of producing of the goods or statement in law of arms, with a view to get changed to other form competition or put out waste (from body) the competitors. going-after to attack pricing is pricing one's goods below the producing price, so that the other players in the market, who are not chief, cannot take part in competition with the price of the chief player and will have to let go of the market. The CCI in Re: Johnson And Johnson Ltd. said that "the liquid with special merits of predatory pricing is below one's price with a view to taking away one being in competition against."

Keywords: Competition; attacks; Indian Telecom.

Corresponding Author : K. Savitha