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Indian Journal of Dental Education

Volume  9, Issue 4, October - December 2016, Pages 237-244

Review Article

Garlic: A Boon for Oral Diseases

Akhilanand Chaurasia*, Gaurav Katheriya**

*Assistant Professor **Resident, Department of Oral Medicine & Radiology, Faculty of Dental Sciences, King George’s Medical Unniversity Lucknow

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 The garlic also known as Allium sativum. Garlic and onions are originally native to central Asia and are among the oldest cultivated plants in the world Garlic has attracted particular attention of modern medicine because of widespread belief about its effects in maintaining good health. It is part of a monocot genus of flowering plants frequently referred to onion genus. The genus includes approximately 500 species [4] including edible onions (A. cepa), garlics (A. sativum), shallots (A. ascalonicum), chives (A. schoenoprasum), and leeks (A. porrum). Chemically garlic contains many active therapeutic components which are widely studies.Garlic has anticariogenic, anti­oxident, antibacterial, antifungal properties and many more. This review presents the scope and therapeutic application of garlic in oral diseases and dentistry.

Keywords: Allium; Medicinal Plants; Garlic.

Corresponding Author : Akhilanand Chaurasia*