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Indian Journal of Diabetes and Endocrinology

Volume  5, Issue 1, January-June 2023, Pages 9-11

Original Article

Role of Perfusion Scan in the Management of Diabetic Foot Ulcer

Nishad. K1, Ravi Kumar Chittoria2, Barath Kumar Singh3, Jacob Antony Chakiath4

1,3,4Senior Resident, 2Professor, Department of Plastic Surgery, Jawaharlal Institute of Postgraduate Medical Education and Research, Pondicherry 605006, India.

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Chronic ulcer of foot is a commonproblem whichputs burden on the healthcare facilities all over the world. The cost that the chronic wound imparts on the healthcare system is ridiculously huge. Multiple etiologies play role in making one wound chronic, especially in patients with Diabetes Mellitus. The decreased blood flow to the foot is one of the causes which if detected early may influence the course of the disease. The perfusion deficit in the initial period may not be that evident to be detected in the conventional methods of vascularity assessment in such subset of patients, the Perfusion scan can help in finding the perfusion status of the foot and help making an eftreatment plan. In this article we share our experience of treating such a patient successfully with help of perfusion scan.

Keywords : Diabetes Mellitus; Diabetic foot ulcer; Perfusion Scan.
Corresponding Author : Ravi Kumar Chittoria