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Indian Journal of Preventive Medicine

Volume  7, Issue 1, Jan-June 2019, Pages 23-28

Original Article

Method for Estimating of Perinatal Mortality Rate by Using Multiple Regression Approch for India

Sachin Pandey1 Hemlata Thakur2 Sumit Dhruv3 Ashish Baghel4

1Assistant Professor (Biostatistics) 2Professor & Head 3,4Assistant Professor, Department of Community Medicine, Chhattisgarh Institute of Medical Sciences, Bilaspur, Chhattisgarh 495001, India.

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Perinatal deaths are responsible for about 7% of the total global burden of disease. The present study was conducted in tertiary referral institute in Western Maharashtra, India, with a aim to study the frequency, classify the types and analyze the risk factors associated with perinatal mortality. Total number of perinatal mortality and analysis regarding maternal and fetal particulars, the mode of delivery, period of gestation, associated maternal risks, fetal parameters such as sex, birth weight, apgar score were recorded. The total number of births during the study period was 6460, with 249 perinatal mortalities accounting to perinatal mortality rate of 50.77 per 1000 live births, comprised of 260 still births and 169 early neonatal deaths. The corrected, extended and factual perinatal mortality rates accounted to 48.14, 66.40 and 19.19 per 1000, respectively. Perinatal mortality rates were highest in teenage group mothers, second gravidae, maternal anemia and preterm delivery group. The present study to estimates of perinatal mortality rate (PNMR) can be derived directly as well as indirectly. The direct estimates are usually based on the number of still deaths and Early deaths reported during the last one year per 1000 live births. The NFHS -4 report adopts this technique for providing the estimates. Indirectly estimates of dependent variable as perinatal mortality rate (PNMR) of region by multiple regression method involving still birth (SBR), and early neo natal mortality rates (ENMR) as independent variables.

Keywords: NFHS- National Health Family Survey; PNMR-Perinatal Mortality Rate; ENMR-Early Neonatal Mortality Rate; SBR-Still Birth Rate.

Corresponding Author : Sachin Pandey