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Indian Journal of Preventive Medicine

Volume  7, Issue 1, Jan-June 2019, Pages 11-14

Original Article

Internet Addiction among High School Students of Rural Area: A Descriptive Cross Sectional Study

Shwetha1 Tejashwini K2

1Assistant Professor, Department of Community, Bhaskar Medical College and General Hospital, Yenkapally, Hyderabad, Telangana 500075, India. 2Assistant Professor, Department of Community, Dr BR Ambedkar Medical College, Bengaluru, Karnataka 560045 India.

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There is rapid growth in the usage of internet globally mainly in urban areas. Usage has been rising exponentially. In Asia around 50% of them use internet with rise in 1.7% between 2000-19. This study was conducted to explore the level of internet addiction among high school students of rural area Methodology: it’s a cross sectional study conducted in the rural field practice of Dr BR Ambedkar medical College, Bangalore among high school students with the sample size of 206. Data was collected using pretested semi structured questionnaire and Young’s internet addiction scale. Data was analysed for frequencies and percentages Results: Age group of study subjects ranged from 13-18 years of age. Maximum belonged to Hindu religion and were studying SSLC. Most common gadget used was laptop and purpose was for social networking. In our study only 0.5% had severe level of internet addiction and more than 90% were normal without internet addiction.

Keywords: Internet Addiction; Young’s Scale; Addiction.


Corresponding Author : Tejashwini K