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Indian Journal of Law and Human Behavior

Volume  5, Issue 2(Special Issue), May - August 2019, Pages 253-255

Original Article

Juvenile Delinquents: Practicability of Reformative Theory if Serving the Purpose?

Priya Setia

Assistant Professor, Department of Law, Vivek Collage, Bijnor, Uttar Pradesh

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DOI: 10.21088/ijlhb.2454.7107.5219.23


When a young person gets involved in a criminal act, we call him as a Juvenile and the crime as Juvenile Delinquency. Juvenile Delinquency could means any type of behaviour by those socially defined as Juveniles that violates the norms (standards of proper behaviour) set by the controlling group. The Juvenile Delinquency refers to failure of children and youth to meet certain obligatios expected of them by the society in which they live. Juvenile Delinquency is detrimental for the social order in any country. There is trend of increase in juvenile crimes world-over, with more amd more involvement of the youth in violent crimes. India shows similar trends of incresing rate of voilent crimes committed by Juveniles. It is very serious for the nation and solution to end the problem need to be sought very carefully. Indian legal system and judicary has responded to these trends and has brought some amendments in the laws pertaning to juvenile justice in India. This paper aims to looking at the cause of juvenile delinquency. The analysis of statistical data avalable at official sites indicates increasing involment of juvenile in heinous rimes. To contain the problem of juvenile delinquency in India, the Act pertaning to juvenile delinquency has been amended and now trial of juveniles involved in heinous crimes is held as adult. Individualised treatment became the cardinal principle for reformation of offenders. Reformative theory is best for serving this purpose, juvenile delinquent send to the observation homes for their reformation.

Keywords: Juvenile delinquency; Criminal act; Juveniles.

Corresponding Author : Priya Setia