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Indian Journal of Law and Human Behavior

Volume  5, Issue 2(Special Issue), May - August 2019, Pages 169-175

Original Article

Organized Crimes: An Overview

Monika Sharma

Officiating Principal, Rayat College of Law, Railmajra, Punjab

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DOI: 10.21088/ijlhb.2454.7107.5219.10


3Crime is that action which is prohibited by the criminal law and the criminal is that agent who carries out that action. Crimes are of various types, organized crimes are those type of crimes, where some people engage in crime with the help and aid of others to get substantial gain somewhere else. In these crimes criminals work in a group sometimes permanently and sometimes for a particular time for the purpose of getting done a particular criminal activity. In these kinds of crimes sometimes number of people involved is less, but sometimes it is very large. For the success of these crimes there is hierarchy of criminals in the group, it is consisted of subordinates, specialists in the crime and a number of temporary members. These crimes involve the supply of illegal goods and services to a large number of citizens. It is also seen in legitimate business and in labour unions. It corrupts public officials to get done their work without intervention of government. Traditionally in India these crimes included extortion, contract killing, boot legging, smuggling, real estate frauds and supply of illicit weapons to terrorists and insurgents, but now drug trafficking, money laundering are also included in these crimes. The main motive of these crimes is to monopolize in the market. Afterwards profits made through these crimes are used to penetrate legitimate business and to carry other activities. In present paper types, characteristics and law relating to control of organized crimes shall be discussed. There is no specific law in India which deals with menance of organized crimes; however, there are provisions in Indian Penal Code, the National Security Act 1980, the Prevention of Illicit Traffic in Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Act 1988. Some States have enacted specific laws to deal with these crimes. AS this problem has become international, therefore, this issue should be tackled at international level.

Keywords: Crime; Organized Crimes; National Security Act 1980; Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Act 1988.

Corresponding Author : Monika Sharma