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Indian Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology

Volume  7, Issue 2, April-June 2019, Pages 249-253

Original Article

Clinical Study to Evaluate the Maternal Outcome of Pregnancies with Polyhydramnios in Tertiary Care Center

Alka B. Patil1, Amol Koranne2, Sara Shaikh3

1Professor and HOD, 2Assistant Professor, 3Junior Resident, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, ACPM Medical College, Dhule, Maharashtra 424002, India.

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Objectives:To find out associated risk factors, maternal outcome of pregnancies with polyhydramnios. Methods: This is retrospective study carried out at ACPMMC Dhule. 100 pregnant women who were diagnosed with polyhydramnios by USG from 24 weeks onwards till 40 weeks, were followed for associated risk factors, complications, severity of polyhydramnios, mode of delivery. Result: Study showed that the incidence was higher in 20-30 years of age group. 83% were multi and 17% were primi. It was mild in 78%, moderate in 16% and severe in 6% cases. 14% were associated with diabetes, 12% with PIH, 7% with multiple gestation, 2% with Rh negative pregnancy. 65% were delivered at term, 35% were preterm labour, 25% by PROM, 10% by fetal malposition and malpresentation, 4% by PPH and 2% by cord prolapse. 63% patients delivered vaginally and 37% by c-section. Conclusion: The study gives the understanding of impact of polyhydramnios on the maternal outcome. Careful maternal assessment must be performed when polyhydramnios is diagnosed, as it is associated with various maternal and perinatal complications and congenital anomalies. Early diagnosis of polyhydramnios and intervation will improve the outcome.

Keywords : Polyhydramnios; Maternal outcome; Preterm labour; PPH.
Corresponding Author : Alka B. Patil