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Indian Journal of Plant and Soil

Volume  6, Issue 1, January-June 2019, Pages 21-24

Original Article

Effect of Canopy Management (Pruning) on Fruit Yield in Tamarind Plantation at Harur Taluk, Dharmapuri, Tamil Nadu, India

C.N. Hari Prasath1, A. Balasubramanian2, S. Radhakrishnan3

1Senior Research Fellow, 2Professor, 3Associate, Department of Silviculture & NRM, Forest College and Research Institute, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Mettupalayam, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu 641301, India.

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A field experiment was carried out in 15 year old tamarind plantation at Chinnakupam village, Harur taluk, Dharmapuri district, Tamil Nadu. The tamarind trees were managed with different pruning intensities viz., 15 per cent pruning, 30 per cent pruning, 50 per cent pruning and control for enhancing the flowering and fruiting in Tamarind. The maximum tamarind fruit yield was recorded in T2 (30% pruning) with the value of 39 kg./tree followed by T3-50 per cent pruning (21 kg./tree) and the minimum fruit yield of 14 kg./tree was recorded in T 4 (Control). To conclude the study, the management of canopy with 30 per cent pruning had a significant increase in the tamarind fruit yield.

Keywords: Tamarind; Canopy management; Pruning intensities; Fruit Yield; Seed raised plantation.

Corresponding Author : C.N. Hari Prasath