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Indian Journal of Genetics and Molecular Research

Volume  8, Issue 1, January-June 2019, Pages 47-51


Basic Guidelines of Genetic Counseling

Divyya Raj Mohan 1, Hafsa Subhani 2, Prasanth Babu 3, Venkatachalam Deepa Parvathi 4

1-3 PG Student, Department of Human Genetics 4 Assistant Professor, Department of Biomedical Sciences, Sri Ramachandra Institute of Higher Education and Research, Porur, Chennai, Tamil Nadu 600116, India.

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Genetic counseling helps people understand and adapt to medical implications about genetic disorders. It involves communication between the client and genetic counselor. Goal of genetic counseling is to provide appropriate options, testing and management strategies in the direction of the disorder and complications associated with it. In directive counseling, counselor plays a significant role by focusing on viewpoints and avoids general advises. Non-Directive counseling is where the counselor allows the client to make own decision according to their perception. Genetic evaluation methods are used to diagnose the genetic disorders, which includes ultrasound, maternal serum screening, karyotyping, FISH, cell free DNA, chorionic villus sampling, amniocentesis, chromosomal microarray, MLPA and whole genome sequencing. In India, the guidelines defined by ICMR are followed in hospitals, universities and clinics practicing genetic counseling.


Keywords : Genetic Counseling; Directive counseling; Non-Directive counseling; Risk assessment; Confidentiality; Screening
Corresponding Author : Venkatachalam Deepa Parvathi