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Journal of Nurse Midwifery and Maternal Health

Volume  4, Issue 3, Sep-Dec 2018, Pages 17-19

Original Article

Handling Obstetrical Emergencies During Antenatal Period

Abirami P.1, Jayabharathi B.2

1,2Professor, SRM college of Nursing, Kattankulathur, Tamil Nadu 603203, India.

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 Obstetrical emergencies are lifethreatening medical conditions that occur in pregnancy or during or after labor anddelivery. An ectopic, or tubal, pregnancy occurs when the fertilized egg implants itself in the fallopiantube rather than the uterine wall. Placental abruption occurs when the placenta separates fromthe uterus prematurely, causing bleeding and contractions. Placentaprevia. When the placenta attaches to the mouth of the uterus and partially or completely blocks the cervix, the position is termed placenta previa (or lowlying placenta). Preeclampsia (toxemia), or pregnancyinduced high blood pressure, causes severeedema (swelling due to water retention) and can impair kidney and liver function. It progresses to eclampsia, toxemia is potentially fatal for mother and child.Premature rupture of membranes is the breaking of the bag ofwaters (amniotic  uid) before contractions or labor begins. Proper prenatal care is the best prevention for obstetrical emergencies.

Keywords: Obstetrical Emergency; Ectopic; or Tubal; Pregnancy; Placentaprevia; Placental Abruption; Preeclampsia; Eclampsia; Premature Rupture of Membranes.

Corresponding Author : Abirami P., Professor, SRM college of Nursing, Kattankulathur, Tamil Nadu 603203, India.