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Indian Journal of Biology

Volume  5, Issue 2, Jul-Dec 2018, Pages 156-153

Original Article

Sustainable Conservation and Management of Indian Sarus crane (Grus antigone antigone) in and around Alwara Lake of District Kaushambi (U.P.), India

Ashok Kumar Verma1, Shri Prakash2

1Head, Department of Zoology, Govt. P.G. College, Saidabad, Prayagraj, Uttar Pradesh 221508, India. 2Head, Department of Zoology, K.A.P.G. College, Prayagraj, Uttar Pradesh 211001, India.

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  The Indian Sarus crane, Grus antigone antigone is the only resident breeding crane of Indian subcontinent that has been declared as ‘State Bird’ by the Government of Uttar Pradesh. This is one of the most graceful, monogamous, non-migratory and tallest flying bird of the world that pair for lifelong and famous for marital fidelity. Population of this graceful bird now come in vulnerable situation due to the shrinking of wetlands at an alarming speed in the country. Present survey is aimed to study the population of sarus crane in the year 2017 in and around the Alwara Lake of district Kaushambi (Uttar Pradesh) India and their comparison to sarus crane population recorded from 2012 to 2016 in the same study area. This comparison reflects an increasing population trend of the said bird in the area studied. It has been observed that the prevailing ecological conditions of the lake, crane friendly behaviour of the local residents and awareness efforts of the authors have positive correlation in the sustainable conservation and increasing population trends of this vulnerable bird. 

Keywords: Alwara Lake; Conservation; Population Census; Sarus Crane; Increasing Trend. 

Corresponding Author : Ashok Kumar Verma, Head, Department of Zoology, Govt. P.G. College, Saidabad Prayagraj, Uttar Pradesh 221508, India.