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Indian Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology

Volume  6, Issue 5, Sep-Oct 2018, Pages 540-544

Original Article

Maternal and Foetal Outcomes in Gestational Hypertension

Jameela C.1, Neha Khilar2

1Associate Professor 2MBBS Student, Department of Obstetrics & Gynaecology, Father Muller Medical College, Mangalore, Karnataka 575002, India.

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 Background: Gestational hypertension is usually defined as having a blood pressure higher than 140/90 measured on two separate occasions, more than 6 hours apart, without the presence of protein in the urine and diagnosed after 20 weeks of gestation. Aim: To determine the factors associated with pregnancy related hypertensive disorder and its outcomes. Materials and Methods: The study is a prospective study was conducted in Father Muller hospital Thumbay for a period of January 2015 to February 2016 in Department of Obstretrics and Gynaecology. During the study, 150 pregnant women with induced hypertension were selected for the study. Results: The highest percentage of pregnant women with hypertension was present in 18-23 years i.e. 36.6%, pregnancy induced hypertension was more in nulliparous women (60%), systolic blood pressure of 140-160 mm Hg was the highest blood pressure which was 90%, diastolic blood pressure of 90-100 mm Hg was the highest in 90% of the patients with PIH, medication for hypertension is taken more i.e. in 136 patients which constitute 90.6% of PIH patients, preterm foetal outcome was seen in most of the patients with PIH which constitute 46.7%, post term (3.3%), LBW (<2.5 Kg) (40%), IUGR and NICU admission constituted 4.7% and 2.7% respectively and the IUFD and neonatal death was the least outcome seen which constituted 1.3% each. Conclusion: It is noted from  our study that PIH is more prevalent in younger aged patients and patients who were nulliparous, increased adverse foetal outcome was observed. Early recognition and management can reduce morbidity and mortality among PIH patients. 

Keywords: Pregnancy Induced Hypertension; Gestational Hypertension; Preeclampsia. 


Corresponding Author : Jameela C. Associate Professor, Department of OBG, Father Muller Medical College, Mangalore, Karnataka 575002, India.