AbstractObjective: Objective of the study is to anaLyse the prognosis of CVT in pregnancy and puerperium. Methods: It’s a retrospective Case study in which epidemiological, clinical picure, risk factors & prognosis are assessed in 24 patients with CVT admitted in the dept of O & G, Govt. Rajaji Hospital Madurai during the period from June 2016 – March 2017. Results: Diagnosis were reached through by Magnetic Resonance Imaging Of the 24 patients, 2 patients were AN and all the rest were PN. The main risk factors were anaemia & dehydration in pregnancy & puerperium. The veins affected were transverse sinus & superior sagital sinus (SSS) 16 (60.6%)of them had seizures and 4 had (16.6%) neurological deficit and 4 died due to ICH. Conclusion: Treatment with heparin in the acute phase followed by oral anticoagulants was shown as safe & efficient to prevent worsening of the disease, recurrence and for quick improvement of neurological symptoms of all treated patients.
Keywords: CVT; Heparin; Puerperium.