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Indian Journal of Dental Education

Volume  11, Issue 2, April-June 2018, Pages 77-79

Case Report

Neutral Zone Approach for Complete Denture Fabrication in a Severely Resorbed Residual Ridge

Pankaj Datta1, Ravinder2, Nishant G.3, Sonia S. Datta4

1Dean, Professor & Head, 2PG Students 3Senior Lecturer, Department of Prosthodontics and Crown & Bridge, 4Associate Professor, Department of Public Health Dentistry, Inderprastha Dental College and Hospital, Sahibabad, Uttar Pradesh 201010, India.

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One of the most challenging aspects of complete denture therapy is patients with atrophic residual alveolar ridges. The neutral zone technique is considered to be an important approach to those patients complaining of unstable dentures. In clinical cases with optimal bone availability, physiologically optimal denture contours and physiologically appropriate denture tooth arrangement should be achieved to maximize prosthesis stability, comfort, and function for patients. The aim of this technique is to arrange the denture teeth in harmony with the adjacent soft and hard tissue. This case report describes the simplest form of recording neutral zone in severely resorbed mandibular ridge.

Keywords: Neutral Zone; Complete Denture; Atrophic Mandible; Impression Technique; Residual Alveolar Ridges; Resorbed Ridge.

Corresponding Author : Ravinder, PG Student, Department of Prosthodontics and Crown & Bridge, Inderprastha Dental College and Hospital, Sahibabad, Uttar Pradesh 201010, India.