AbstractMicrostomia is a condition of reduction in the size of oral aperture which can be either acquired or congenital and may affect the quality of life. Dental procedures become difficult in such patients due to poor access to the oral cavity. Completely edentulous patients with microstomia often face the difficulty of being unable to insert or remove the prosthesis with ease. Also, the dentist faces the difficulty during the fabrication of the dentures for such patients due to poor compliance of the patient. Therefore the impression techniques, methods and designs incorporated in the prosthesis need to be modified. This clinical report describes a quick and easy method for fabrication of a sectional complete denture in a patient with congenital microstomia. Primary impressions were made without tray. Later, the final impressions were made by sectional method; the two parts were reassembled outside the mouth, using magnet and press buttons.
Keywords: Microstomia; Complete Denture; Sectional Impressions; Sectional Denture Technique; Magnet; Press Buttons.