AbstractAims and Objectives: The present study aims at evaluation of age, sex and site of occurrence related revalence of Radicular cyst, Dentigerous cyst, Odontogenic keratocyst (OKC), Lateral Periodontal cyst, Residual cyst, Adult Gingival cyst, Calcifying odontogenic cysts.
Materials and Methods: During 8 year period (From 2010 to 2017), 1000 patients with cystic lesions of the jaws were analysed. All patients underwent clinical examination and plain film radiography (panoramic, periapical, and occlusal views). Some of them were referred for CBCT or computed tomography (CT) with a multiplanar reconstruction program (MPR). Age, sex, type of cyst and location were recorded in designed performa. The treatment modalities used for the management of cysts are marsupialisation, enucleation with bone grafting or resection under local or general anaesthesia depending on the case.
Results: The odontogenic cysts occurs more commonly in male inmandibular anterior region and maxillary posterior region than female. However, mandibular posterior region and maxillary anterior region have more predilection for females than males. The calcifying odontogenic cyst, residual cysts and odontogenic keratocyst are more common in male than female. The adult gingival cyst, lateral periodontal cyst, radicular cyst and dentigerous cyst are more common in female than male. Maxillary anterior region and mandibular posterior regions is most predilected site in 18-35 years age group. The 51-60 years of age groupin mandibular anterior region and maxillary posterior region in 36 to 50 years is most predilected site of occurrence for odontogenic cysts Calcifying epithelial odontogenic cyst (7.9%) is most common in 18 to 35 years of age group. Adult Gingival Cyst is most common in 36 to 50 years of age group. Residual cyst (51.3%) is most common in 51 to 60 years of age group.Lateral periodontal cyst (48.7%) most common in 51 to 60 years of age group. The odontogenic keratocyst (26.9%) is most common in 36 to 50 years. Dentigerous cyst (97.0%) is more common in below 18 years of age group. Radicular cyst (52.5%) is more common with18 to 35 years.
Keywords: Cyst; Jaw Bone; Prevalence; Odontogenic; Nonodontogenic.