AbstractThe Spirometry is the test usually used to diagnose the capacity of lungs. Spirometry which signifies meant the measurement of breath. The Spirometry is routinely performed as part of the pulmonary function tests (PFTs).It is used to measure the Lung Function with specific importance to the amount (volume) and/or speed (flow) of air that can be inhaled and exhaled. The used of this test involved in assessing breathing patterns that identify conditions such as asthma, pulmonary fibrosis, cystic fibrosis, and Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). It is also helpful as part of a system of health surveillance, in which breathing patterns are measured over time. The present study focused on the patterns of the Obstructive and Restrictive Impairments among of urban population of Jaipur. The patients selected specifically from the visiting patients with some symptoms to the health camp. In this camp the assessment of Lung Functions was done by using the RMS Helios 401 PC based Spirometer. The parameters, as per the manual are used for the diagnosis of the Obstructive and Restrictive Impairments. The parameter assessed includes Age, Height, Weight, Gender, Smoker/ Non-Smokar, FVC Pred, FVC (M. Pred),% Pred. M.,% Pred, Lung Age (P),Lung Age (M). As per the instrument manual restrictive stage COPD as FEVI/FVC>=70%and FEV 1<80% . In the present study the COPD before the medication mentioned as pre-test is found to be 144 patients in the total numbers of 164 which accounts for 87.80%.
Keywords: Spirometry; Lungs; COPD; FVC; FEVI.