Abstract The civilization has passed through several developments among which are the concepts of consumer and consumerism. Consumer is a person who is used to consume or buy the goods and services for himself or for his/her family in a marketplace. When marketers started to exploit the consumers, the consumer developed themselves into consumerism which is movement for supporting the interest of the consumers organized in a small group initially and in a large-scale setup in modern marketplace. The plights and exploitations of consumers increased more and more in their quantity and gravity since from physical market to virtual and e-market or online market. The online markets added more plights of the consumers for which consumers are suffering with multiple problems for redressal of their grievances as national physical boundaries are no more relevance and outside the purview of online transactions. The jurisdiction of national rederessal mechanism is not possible to overcome the online transactions. The Consumer Protection Act, 1986 needs to address such anomalies challenged by the online transactions. This paper examines the aim and objectives of the Consumer Protection Act, 1986 and makes some field based study of Bidar District of Karnataka in respect of agency meant for protection of consumers i.e., Bidar District Consumer Redressal Forum.
Keywords: Civilization; Consumer; Consumerism; Physical
Market; Online Market.