Abstract Breastfeeding gives to baby the right nutrients and may protect baby against some illness. Breast feeding is the cheapest source to provide energy to newborn child. Breastfeeding, also known as nursing, is the feeding of babies and young children with milk from a woman’s breast. Objective: To compare the knowledge regarding expression and thawing of breast milk among working and non working lactating mothers. Methods: A systematic literature review was conducted. The literature includes last 5 years data. The literature reviewed was obtained through different database includes CINHAL (Cumulative index to Nursing & Allied Health Literature), MEDLINE (Medical Literature Analysis & Retrieval System Online), PubMed, ScienceDirect, SpringerLink, ProQuest & Google scholar.
Result:Majority of mothers are not aware about expression of breast milk from their breast. A well planned educational program is needed to sensitise the working and non working mother regarding thawing of breast milk.
Conclusion: Expressed breast milk is important for children who are not able to suck breast milk properly. All the mother should have basic knowledge about expression and storage of breast milk.
Keywords: Expression of Milk; Breast Feeding; Storage of Milk;
Newborn Protection; Lactating Mothers.