AbstractMalaria has been a menace worldwide, existing endemically in some countries one of those being India. A national programme for control of this disease had been launched in India in 1953, which evolved as the present composite programme against several endemic vector borne diseases, as the National Vector Borne Disease Control Programme. The disease is being treated in the country according to the National Drug Policy for Malaria 2013. Presently the National Strategic Plan 20172022 has been formulated for achieving malaria elimination by 2030. Preventive measures include integrated vector control, personal protection and chemoprophylaxis. Several candidate vaccines have been under research of which the most promising one i.e. RTS,s is due to be piloted by the World Health Organization in selected areas of 3 African countries, through WHO’s Malaria Vaccine Implementation Programme (MVIP) that will begin in 2018.
Keywords: malaria; National Vector Borne Disease Control Programme; malaria treatment; malaria vaccine