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Journal of Forensic Chemistry and Toxicology

Volume  3, Issue 2, Jul-Dec 2017, Pages 99-106

Original Article

Scenario of Usefulness of Viscera Preservation

Kumar S.*, Shubhendu K.**, Mahto T.***, Gupta S.K.****, Bharti M.L.G.*****

*Assistant Professor **Junior Resident ***Professor & HOD & Ex. Director, Dept. of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology *****Scientist-I, Biomedical Informatics Centre of ICMR, Deptt. of Biochemistry, Rajendra Institute of Medical Sciences (RIMS), Ranchi, Jharkhand 834009, India. ****Professor & HOD, Dept. of Forensic Medicine, All India Institute of Medical Sciences, (AIIMS) Ansari Nagar, New Delhi, Delhi 110029, India.

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Preservation of viscera in all suspected cases of poisoning during medico-legal autopsy, its toxico-chemical analysis by Forensic Science Laboratory and its reliability as testimonial in adjudicating criminal cases in court of law for best interest of justice, has been the matter of debate and of scientific review. At one hand, no scientific evidence is considered as 100 % temper proof and on the hand; evidences should be beyond all reasonable doubts to convict any accused in the court of law. In the situation, when in many cases, either there is no eye witness of a crime or even if eye witnesses are there, chances of them becoming hostile for what so ever reason, court is left with no other option than to rely on scientific evidences and injury report, autopsy report and viscera examination report plays significant role in the administration of justice. ‘SunandaPuskar’ episode has added a new spice in the ongoing controversy. Present study titled “Scenario of Usefulness of Viscera Preservation”is sincere attempt to revel how much reliance should be paid on viscera examination report while adjudicating the criminal cases allegedly of poisoning.


Keywords : Poisoning; Viscera; FSL; Autopsy; Reliability; Court; Justice. 
Corresponding Author : Sanjay Kumar, Assistant Professor, Dept. of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology, Rajendra Institute of Medical Sciences (RIMS), Ranchi–834009, Jharkhand, India.