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Indian Journal of Dental Education

Volume  10, Issue 2, April - June 2017, Pages 71-73

Case Report

Parakeratinized Odontogenic Keratocyst

Vikram S. Amberkar*, Yashavanth Kumar**, Nitya K.***, Madhushankari G.S.****

*Professor ***Post Graduate Student ****Professor and Head, Department of Oral Pathology and Microbiology, **Reader, Department of Oral Surgery, College of Dental Sciences, Davangere, Karnataka, India.

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The odontogenic keratocyst (OKC) is a commonly encountered developmental cyst of considerable importance because of its potential for aggressive clinical behavior and recurrence. Also, it may be a component of the nevoid–basal cell carcinoma (Gorlin) syndrome. Histologic features of OKC are pathognomonic. The common site of involvement is the mandibular ramus region but this case represents odontogenic keratocyst involving the mandibular anterior region. Most odontogenic keratocyst (60%) arise from dental lamina rests or from the basal cells of oral epithelium and are thus primordial-origin odontogenic keratocysts. The remaining 40% arise from the reduced enamel epithelium of the dental follicle and are thus dentigerous-origin odontogenic keratocysts.

Keywords: Corrugated parakeratinized epithelium; Mandibular anterior region; Odontogenic Keratocyst.


Corresponding Author : Nitya K., Post Graduate Student, Room No. 7, Department of Oral Pathology and Microbiology, College of Dental Sciences, Davangere - 577004, Karnataka, India.