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Indian Journal of Dental Education

Volume  4, Issue 3-4, July - December 2011, Pages 57-59

Review Article

Talon Cusp in a Primary Lateral Incisor Associated with Supernumerary Permanent Successor

Leena Verma, Rupan Samra

Leena Verma Senior Assistant Professor Dept. of Pedodontics Dr HSJ Institue of Dental Sciences and Research Chandigarh, Rupan Samra Sr Lecturer Deptt of Prosthodontics Gian Sagar Dental College & Hospital Banur Patiala Punjab

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A talon cusp is an uncommon anomaly in the primary dentition (10%) as compared to the permanent dentition (90%). Since it was first reported in 1977, there have been only 37 documented cases in normal children. Most cases involve the primary maxillary central incisors, and very few cases involve primary maxillary lateral incisors. Here, we present a rare case report of a 10-year-old child who had talon cusp on deciduous maxillary right lateral incisor associated with supernumerary permanent successor. The tooth with talon cusp was extracted and the underlying supernumerary permanent successor erupted in the oral cavity. The patient was kept on recall to conservatively manage the supernumerary tooth.

Keywords: Talon cusp, supernumerary permanent successor, lateral incisor

Corresponding Author : Leena Verma