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Indian Journal of Dental Education

Volume  3, Issue 3, July - September 2010, Pages 127-131

Review Article

Oral Health Care of Elderly in India: Present Scenario and Future Concerns

Pankaj Datta, Sonia Sood

*Vice-Principal & Head, Deptt. Of Prosthodontics, Inderprastha Dental College & Hospital, Sahibabad, Ghaziabad UP, **Post-graduate Student, Department of Public Health Dentistry, ITS-CDSR, Muradnagar, Ghaziabad , UP

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India has a rapidly growing elderly (60 +) population of 77 million which is likely to rise up to 300 million by 2050. For the most of this rapidly growing geriatric population there are no specialized oral health services. The elderly suffer from multiple oral health problems. The Indian population in the 21st century requires an in-depth understanding of the co-relation between oral health and general well being.1 Viewing these issues through the lens of oral health care provider allows an analysis of current oral health care status of the elderly in India; understand the cause of their poor oral health, their attitudes and treatment needs. The unique combination of growing age, physical disability, personal habits, socio-economic status and our oral healthcare system presents challenges for appropriate oral health care.2 The present article highlights on the need to understand the shortfalls in its current oral heath status in elderly and formulate strategies to improve its oral healthcare structure as well as education policy in geriatric dentistry to help resolve problems of oral health care for the elderly in India.

Key words: elderly, oral healthcare, dental treatment needs, geriatric dentistry

Corresponding Author : Pankaj Datta