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Journal of Forensic Chemistry and Toxicology

Volume  3, Issue 1, January - June 2017, Pages 69-71

Case Report

Suicidal Cut Injury of Wrist: Crime Scene and Autopsy Findings

Abhishek Yadav*, Kulbhushan Prasad*, Mahesh Kumar**, Sudhir Kumar Gupta***

: *Assistant Professor ***Professor & Head, Department of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology, All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS), Ansari Nagar, New Delhi, India-110029. **Assistant Professor, Department of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology, Rama Medical College, Hapur (Ghaziabad), Uttar Pradesh 245304 UP.

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Cut Injury of wrist (CIW) is also known as ‘Spaghetti wrists’ with a minimum of three completely transected structures, a nerve, artery and a tendon. The investigators have to answer the most challenging question i.e. manner of death. Some circumstances cannot be understood by the investigators and have to be explained by a Forensic Pathologist. We report a case of an individual who was found dead in a bathroom with blood splashes all over the walls and floor of the bathroom along clothes and body of the deceased. The amount of blood found in the bathroom was baffling. The case later examined in totality with autopsy findings was found to be suicidal in nature. The authors intend to recommend that wherever possible the autopsy surgeon should visit the crime scene in such cases before conducting autopsy to have a fair idea about the circumstances of death and to lead the investigation towards natural course of justice.


Keywords : Cut Injury of Wrist; Spaghetti Wrists; Ulnar Artery; Hypovolemic Shock; Suicide
Corresponding Author : Abhishek Yadav*