Abstract The present work focuses on the integration of aqueous two-phase extraction with membrane processes (ultrafiltration/microfiltration) for the concentration and purification of alcohol dehydrogenase and invertase from crude extract of baker’s yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae). Integration was carried out in three different modes. Integration of microfiltration (using nanofibrous membrane) with aqueous twophase extraction was found to be best compared to other modes which has resulted in 8.12 fold purification with 647.32 U/mg specific activity and 95% enzyme activity recovery in case of alcohol dehydrogenase and 14.09 fold purification with 54.52 U/mg specific activity and 92.41% enzyme activity recovery in case of invertase.
Keywords: Aqueous Two-Phase Extraction; Bioseparation; Process Integration; Purification; Ultrafiltration; Yeast; Enzymes.