Abstract The cross sectional study was performed to find out the incidence of -Thalassemia trait in ribal population of Hingoli district; Maharashtra from July 2014 to May 2016. The study was conducted at IIMSR,Medical College,Jalna. In this study we screened 1075 tribal subjects comprising adult men & women as wellas children. Whole blood Samples were collected in EDTA bulb for Naked Eye Single Tube Red cell Osmotic Fragility Test (NESTROFT). The screening of â thalassemia trait was done on NESTROFT with 0.36% freshly prepared saline. Out of 1475 tribal subjects the NESTROFT was positive for 111 subjects which indicated very high chances of subjects having -Thalassemia trait. With this rate of thalassemia trait, urges necessity in studying beta thalassemia carrier status in the child bearing group, as a primary step to prevent the birth of beta thalassemia major.
Keywords: Tribal; -Thalassemia Trait; NESRTROFT.