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International Journal of Pediatric Nursing

Volume  2, Issue 1, January - April 2016, Pages 17-20

Original Article

Effect of Lactation Intervention on Weight Gain of Babies and Maternal Satisfaction among Mothers with Breast Feeding Problems at Kovai Medical Center and Hospital, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India

Mariammal Pappu*, Ashwath Duraiswamy**, N.Rajendiran***, Anju Ann John****

*Professor & HOD of Pediatric Nursing, **Consultant Pediatric & Neonatology, ***Professor in Psychology, ****Studen, KMCH College of Nursing, KMCH Campus, Avinashi Road, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu 641014.

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 Breast feeding (BF) is a problem for both mother and her baby if it is not initiated in time will lead to lactation failure. Hence it is important that every professional and the family members need to support BF, otherwise lactation failure will be the end result and threat to infant survival. An average of 341 mothers per year according to hospital based observation are in need of lactation intervention including Position (P), Attachment (A), Suckling(S), and Swallowing (S). Successful lactation is based on a good start. Objectives: The aim of our work is to solve the breast feeding problems, improve weight in babies with poor weight gain, and to ensure maternal confident in breast feeding and Infant satiety. Methods: Variables studied were, lactation intervention, weight gain of babies, maternal satisfaction and infant satiety. The study was conducted among both inborn and referral 30 mothers baby-dyad, during the year 2012, as one group pre& post test with individual lactation intervention. Observation checklist on BF problems, Hill and Humenick lactation scale was used to evaluate the maternal satisfaction and infant satiety. Before and after intervention the babies weight were checked using calibrated Electronic weighing scale. Results: Lactation problem before intervention, the mean score was (17.43), after intervention, the mean score was two (2) significant at p<0.01. Babies weight gain mean score pre (3.176) and post (3.539) significant at p<0.01. Maternal satisfaction: before intervention the mean score was (47.13), after intervention, the mean score was (59.13) significant at p<0.01. Infant satiety: pre test mean (15.7), posttest mean (20.10) significant at p<0.01. Conclusion: Our results ensures that the lactation intervention improves weight in babies and enhances maternal confident and satisfaction of breast feeding and also resolves BF problems which is the hindrance to effective lactation process.

Keywords: Breast Feeding (BF); Maternal; BF Problems; Suckling; Swallowing.

Corresponding Author : Mariammal Pappu*