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Indian Journal of Dental Education

Volume  8, Issue 2, Apr-Jun 2015, Pages 69-77

Review Article

Current Status of All-Ceramic Systems in Esthetic Dentistry

Pankaj Datta*, Sonia S. Datta**

*Dean, Professor & Head, Department of Prosthodontics and Crown & Bridge, **Senior Lecturer, Department of Public Health Dentistry, Inderprastha Dental College & Hospital, Ghaziabad, UP.

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DOI: DOI: 10.21088/ijde.0974.6099.8215.3


 Currently, patient increased esthetic demands have dramatically led to the rapid development of allceramic materials. The purpose of this article is to understand classification, mechanical and clinical aspects of all-ceramic systems in esthetic dentistry. To make a clear understanding, this review article classifies allceramic systems into four major categories based upon their major composition, which are feldspathic and glass-ceramic, alumina-based, and zirconia-based system. Even though all-ceramic restorations have been reported to be a successful treatment option for patients, some critical limitations have to be considered such as veneer fracture, broken of the connecter, and loss of retention. The selection of these materials requires basic knowledge regarding material properties and case selection. All-ceramic restoration can be an alternative treatment option for patients especially in esthetically demanding cases.

Keywords: All-Ceramic Materials; Esthetic Dentistry; Clinical Performance; Feldspathic; Glass-ceramic, Alumina-based; Zirconia-based system.

Corresponding Author : Pankaj Datta*