AbstractCarl Wilhelm Von Nageli observed chromosomes for the first time in cells of plant in 1842. Understanding diversity and evolution of karyotypes offered the foundation for the range of variability observed in karyotypes although having origin from same macromolecule, does not guarantee the nonexistence of variation in species in number of chromosome and their detailed meticulous organization. Regardless of novel innovations in technological aspect of cytogenetics and molecular biology regarding chromosomal analysis as discussed like FISH, varieties of PCR, Microarray etc., conventional karyotyping has important role in risk stratification. Conventional banding is still considered as the gold standard. In genetic testing, it is the only one at present available for assessing the whole karyotype at once. All FISH and CGH are considered as additional powerful technique complimentary to conventional banding in cases with a futile, in complete or complex G- banded karyotype.
Keywords: Karyotyping; Cytogenetics; Molecular Biology.