Abstract The distributions of ABO blood groups & Rh (D) factor have been reported among the Bhotia (Jad) of Uttarkashi district, Uttarakhand. The frequencies of blood groups among Bhotia (Jad) were as follows B(41.6)%, O(26.3)%, A(20.5)%, AB(11.6)% . The gene frequencies were found to be p= 0.1756, q= 0.3152, r= 0.50925 and the Rh (D) negative blood groups was recorded 3.68% among this community. Further the results were compared with the other tribal populations of North India for the incidences of ABO & Rh (D) blood groups. However, these frequencies of blood groups had shown the affinity with North India tribal populations except the Hindu of Agra & Oudh and Hindu Soldier of U.P.
Keywords: ABO Blood Groups; Rh Factor; Gene Frequency; Bhotia (Jad).