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Indian Journal of Biology

Volume  2, Issue 2, Jul-Dec 2015, Pages 141-146

Original Article

Variation in Net Radiation Over Wheat (Triticum Aestivum L.) in Different Phenophase Intercropped with Dalbergia Sissoo in Nelder Wheel Design

Ravi Kiran

*Assistant Professor (Agrometeorology), Department of Agrometeorology, College of Agriculture, GBPUA&T-Pantnagar, Pin 263145, (Uttrakhand).

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 The present investigation attempts to study the diurnal radiation over wheat as an understory crop below 8 year old Dalbergia sissoo planted in a Nelder wheel design planted in fifteen spokes of trees numbered serially starting from north direction as 00 . Wheat cv. PBW-226 was sown on 21st November, 1996 as an under story crop. Tree spokes were pruned 0%, 30%, 45% and 75% starting from north direction respectively. Studies have been made on the diurnal variation of net radiation attributable to orientation of tree rows of the trees at four important phonological stage of the crop i.e. tillering, flag leaf emergence, flowering and maturing stage of the crop and compared with the control (sole crop) viz T1 (312O-72O), T2 (72O-192O) and T3 (192O-312O) in the Nelder wheel. Regression equations between net radiation in control and different treatments below trees were also developed.

Corresponding Author : Ravi Kiran