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Indian Journal of Dental Education

Volume  8, Issue 4, Oct-Dec 2015, Pages 215-217

Case Report

Calcifying Epithelial Odontogenic Tumour

Pramod R.C.*, Mohan Kumar K.P.**, Vikram Amberkar***, Suresh K.V.****, Gautham Shetty*****

*Senior Lecturer **Reader ***Professor, Department of Oral Pathology and Microbiology, College of Dental Sciences, Davangere. ****Assistant Professor, Dept of Oral medicine and Radiology, SEGI university, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. *****MDS, Private Pra

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DOI: DOI: 10.21088/ijde.0974.6099.8415.7


 The calcifying epithelial odontogenic tumor is a rare benign odontogenic tumor that was first described by Pindborg in 1955. It accounts for less than 1% of all odontogenic neoplasms. The tumor is characterized histologically by the presence of polygonal epithelial cells, calcification, and eosinophilic deposits resembling amyloid. Here by we report the case of CEOT in 40 years old male patient and also attempt made to discuss the clinicopathological and radiological features, diagnosis, treatment and prognosis of CEOT.

Corresponding Author : Pramod R.C.*