Abstract A greenhouse pot culture experiment was conducted at Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh (India) to evaluate the effect of various levels of phosphorus (0, 25, 50 and 100 mg P kg-1 soil) on growth attributing character (shoot dry weight, root length) and phosphorus content in shoot and their uptake, % root infection and available phosphorus of four maize cultivars viz Pragati (V1), HQPM (V2), MRM-3845 (V3) and Kuwari (V4). The shoot dry weight, root length, phosphorus content and their uptake by shoot and available phosphorus at different interval of the maize crop were significantly increased by increasing levels of phosphorus. Whereas % root infection of mycorrhiza decreases with increasing levels of phosphorus. The mycorrhizal colonization of roots generally increased up to middle of the growing season among all the cultivars with maximum colonization at the third harvest (84 DAS). Varieties showed significant difference for shoot dry weight/plant, root length, phosphorus content and uptake in shoot. Overall, it is concluded that variety “Pragati” performed better as compared to other varieties like HQPM,MRM-3845 and Kuwari.