Abstract The organic farming in real sense envisages a comprehensive management approach to improve the health of underlying productivity of the soil. India is bestowed with lot of potential to produce all varieties of organic products due to its various agro-climatic regions. The study is work out in collaboration with Sarveshwar Group, Jammu and is related to organic farming for product paddy. A simple random technique was adopted for the selection of samples. 59 respondents from village Agar chak, 19 from Baspur and 4 from Rangpur Nai basti of R. S. Pura were selected purposively so as to constitute a total sample of 82 farmers. It has found from the study that 63.4 per cent of the respondents are willing to spare their land for two years to get involved in the organic farming and rest are not interested which shows there is a scope for organic farming in the study area. Also 59.5 per cent of the respondents are ready to go for the training on organic farming whereas 17.1 per cent are of the opinion that they will think before opting for the training. This shows farmers are willing to go for the organic farming and moreover if the compensation and the training programs are provided timely that will help a lot as per the opinion of the respondents.