AbstractThe Right to information Act of India, which came into force on 12th October 2005 is acknowledged as a landmark legislation and a high watermark in the evolution of Indian democracy. RTI is the outcome of series of judgements of Supreme Court of India, actions by civil society institutions and a growing discomfort within the government about excessive control over information by public authorities. The enactment of the Right to Information Act, 2005 is a historic event in the annals of democracy in India. Information is power and now a citizen has the right to access information “held by or under control of” the public authorities. Concurrently, it is the duty of all public authorities to provide information sought by citizens. After the enactment of RTI Act, 2005 if a simple question is asked whether people empowerment had become or not then the answer will be in yes. It is the public who have to empower themselves, no public authority is going to empower the common masses. The public can be empowered by demanding more and more information’s.This paper is in establishing the synergy between the Right to Information and Peoples Empowerment.
Keywords RTI; Public Authority; Democracy; Common Masses; Empowerment