AbstractWe are passing through the transition period from the traditional teaching methods to adapt ourselves to the technological teaching methods during recent past especially in higher educational instructions. The increasing number of technological devices and as well as availability of technology supported information services more specifically the information and communication technologies (ICTs) such as web based internet services have paved the way for inspiring the teachers as well as students towards effective, efficient and fast teaching and learning activities. When it comes to technology in the classroom, phrases like “faculty resistance” and the importance of getting “faculty buy-in” are tossed around with great frequency. The days are gone to resist and sceptics about the use of ICTs in classroom teaching. This is supported by the results of the recent surveys that a full 73.67 per cent of readers who took the survey said they incorporated technology into their class during the past year. It was the third most popular activity, exceeded only by an impressive 85.81 per cent who attended a professional development workshop or conference and 83.92 per cent who used a rubric [1]. However, the use of technology must be rational and ethical otherwise it will become bane for both the teacher and learner as the technology is two faced sharp edges which will cut who misuse it by attracting the penal provisions of the Information Technology Act, 2000. This paper attempts to evaluate the importance of the use of advanced technologies in higher educational teaching-learning activities and their ill effects if they are misused.
Keywords: Education; Higher Education; Technology; Information; Communication; Information Communication Technology; Efficient; Effective; Rational; Ethical Boon; Bane etc.