AbstractManufacturing industries play a big role in development of a nation. There is always a need of human involvement to successfully plan and execute the operations involved in various industrial tasks. Welding is the most significant part to produce products in manufacturing sector. In welding industries the body postures of the welders are not scientific. Prolonged duty hours exceed the capacity of the workers causes’ uneasiness, elevated risk of chronic pain, swelling, strain, sprain of ligaments and soft tissues. Musculoskeletal disorders (MSD) in the form of repetitive motion injuries, cumulative trauma disorders and strain injuries are very common health problems of workers of different small & medium scale welding industries in West Bengal. In this present research work brings the information and also observed MSD of welders by ergonomic posture analysis tools like RULA & REBA. The results show that welders are in the protected or safe region or not. It is also clearly shows that lack of ergonomic planning and system might result in muscular stress & muscular disorders which affects the health status of welders in different welding industries in West Bengal. This paper suggests that to improve the quality of work and health status of the workers significant reduction of the MSD and body posture are required. Consciousness is also a significant issue.
Keywords: Health; MSD; Posture Analysis; RULA; Welding.