Abstract Noise induced hearing loss, a permanent bilateral hearing impairment, represents one of the most common occupational disease. It is caused by sustained, repeated exposure to excessive sound levels. A study has been conducted to assess the impact of occupational noise, if any, on hearing status of human resources occupationally engaged in organized sector industry. Individuals working for at least a period of 5 years were approached. 45 consenting male human resources, aged between 31–40 years, working in different departments constituted the exposed group (EG). 51 male human resources were randomly selected from the same age group but working in the administrative office of the same sector to constitute the control group (CG). Results indicated that 68.6 % EG individuals and 16.2% of CG individuals had bilateral hearing impairment. From the present study it may be concluded that, the EG individuals are more affected in terms bilateral hearing impairment than that of their CG counterpart.
Keywords: Audiometric Test; Hearing Impairment; Human Resources; Occupational Noise.