AbstractHematological analysis of birds reveals the health condition which may differ due to difference in age, sex breed etc. This present study aims at the evaluation of hematological parameters of eight breeds of chicken namely Aseel, Black Rock, Dahlem Red, Kadaknath, Red Cornish, Rhode Island Red, Vanaraja and White Leghorn available at poultry farms of Odisha. Five adult males and five adult females from each breed were considered for this work. Hematological parameters such as Hemoglobin per cent, Total Leukocyte Count, Total Erythrocyte Count, Packed Cell Volume, Mean Corpuscular Volume, Mean Corpuscular Hemoglobin, Mean Corpuscular Hemoglobin Concentration and Differential Leukocyte Count were taken into account. The data were subjected to ANOVA and Duncan’s Multiple Range test. The hematological parameters varied within and between breeds with a sexual dimorphism. The parameters were significantly different among and between the breeds at p<0.05 and p<0.01. This investigation shows normal hematological parameters of the stated breeds of chicken. The variations recorded may be due to difference in breeds, sex, feed etc.
Keywords: Hematology; Chicken; Breeds; Comparison; Parameters.