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Indian Journal of Dental Education

Volume  6, Issue 4, October ­ December 2013, Pages 217-220

Case Report

Oral Submucous Fibrosis Transforming into Carcinoma: A Case Report

Sushruth Nayak, Sandhya Shrivastava, Prachi Nayak, Rolly gupta, Aparajita Beera

*Asso. Professor, **Professor & Head, ***Reader, ****Senior Lecturer, *****Post Graduate student, Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology & Microbiology, Chhattisgarh Dental College and Research Institute, Rajnandgaon 491441, Chhattisgarh, In

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Oral submucous fibrosis is a chronic fibrotic disease of the oral cavity and oropharynx associated with the chewing of the areca quid. This condition occurs predominantly among Indians and to a much lesser extent in other Asian population. The condition affects large population of the Indian sub continent. Interestingly the prevalence and the incidence rates are high in South India where the incidence of oral cancer is also very high. Betel quid (BQ) chewing is a popular oral habit with potential links to the occurrence of oral cancer. A malignant transformation rate of 11.7% is reported with Oral submucous fibrosis (OSMF) which was seen predominantly in males (87%). Most cases with malignant transformation in OSMF had occurred gradually over a long period of time. Here we are presenting a rare case of OSMF which developed carcinoma within a short span of 4 months, thus giving evidence for the aggressive potential of OSMF. In spite of extensive studies, the pathogenesis and other aspects of oral submucous fibrosis remains unclear till today. 


Keywords: Oral submucous fibrosis; Areca nut; Carcinoma. 

Corresponding Author : Sushruth Nayak