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Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine and Pathology

Volume  17, Issue 3, July- September 2024, Pages 207-210

Case Report

Hybrid Lesion: Extrapulmonary Sequestration with Cystic Adenomatoid Malformation: A Rare Case Report

Sapna Patel1, Pallavi BR2, Sheela Devi CS3, Devi Sreelakshmi4

1Associate Professor, 2Senior Resident, 3Professor and Head of Department, 4Post graduate, Department of Pathology, JSS Academy of Higher Education and Research, Mysuru 570 015, Karnataka, India.

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Background: 10-25% of bronchopulmonary sequestration comprises extralobar sequestration (ELS). ELS are usually found between the left lower lobe and diaphragm and rarely infra-diaphragmatically. Case Description: 25 years old young female with 24 weeks of gestation was diagnosed with left supra adrenal mass in fetal anomaly scan. On fetal autopsy, the supra adrenal mass showed lung parenchyma with multiple cystic spaces which are lined by columnar to cuboidal cells. Bronchi and bronchioles were dilated. Skeletal muscle and cartilage were absent. Both grossly and microscopically, lungs and other organs were normal. Diagnosed as extralobar intraabdominal bronchopulmonary sequestration with cystic adenomatoid malformation suggestive of hybrid lesion. Hybrid lesion is a combination of bronchopulmonary sequestration (BPS) and congenital cystic adenomatoid malformation (CCAM).  Clinical Relevance: Diagnosis of hybrid lesion during pregnancy is important for prenatal counselling, fetal intervention and birth planning.

Keywords : Bronchopulmonary sequestration; Hybrid lesion; Supra adrenal mass; Fetus
Corresponding Author : Pallavi BR,