AbstractBackground: Fingerprint analysis is one of the most robust biometric feature in terms of personal identification is concerned. But with the progression of science through research and development, fingerprint science is no longer considered as a potential biometric tool only. It has various other insights to it and our this study will reflect the same. Diabetes being of the most prevalent clinical condition among human population, has been considered as sample for the study. The latent dermatoghyphic analysis of diabetic individuals will depict significant results as compared to the normal individual and hence will be able to provide as a valuable disease marker. Method: Thin Layer Chromatographic technique has been used for this study and it was conducted at the Presidency University, Kolkata. 12 diabetic individual samples along with non-diabetic, positive (In 3 different dilutions) and negative control samples were run. The samples were prepared in a specific technique and the results were also taken after a specific heat treatment of the TLC plates. Rf values were measured for all the samples. Result: In case of positive control samples there were significant brownish-rust spots which were also consistent in diabetic individuals. On the other hand in case of negative control and non-diabetic individuals the spots were not visible on the plate. Conclusion: Latent dermatoglyphic prints (finger-print) of diabetic population were taken for our major subject sample and compared with non-diabetic individual using Thin Layer Chromatography (TLC) to indicate the presence of glucose in the body. This study reveals the presence of the target molecule “glucose” in diabetic individuals which was not visible in case of non-diabetic individual. The detection of diabetes is possible through latent dermatoglyphic analysis even when the sweat residues are present in challenging amount and that too through a prick-free method. Hence, our study can provide a significant diagnostic tool for diabetic individuals.