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Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine and Pathology

Volume  17, Issue 3, July- September 2024, Pages 191-196

Original Article

Diatomological Study on Water Bodies in Bengaluru City, India

Don Caeiro1, Shristi Aich2, Mayank David Raiborde3, Nandini Katare4, Ravi Kumar5, Pratik Singh6

1Research Scholar, Department of Forensic Science, Jain (Deemed to be University), Bangalore, Karnataka 560069, India, 2Research Scholar, Department of Forensic Science, Lovely Professional University, Phagwara 144411, Punjab, India, 3,4Assistant Professor, Department of Forensic Science, Kristu Jayanti College (Autonomous), Bengaluru 560077, Karnataka, India, 5Assistant Professor and Head, Department of Forensic Science, Teerthanker Mahaveer University, Moradabad 244001, Uttar Pradesh, India

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Context: Unicellular algae called diatoms are typically found in aquatic environments and are frequently used in forensic science as a method to pinpoint the exact moment and place of drowning deaths. The creation of a diatom species database for Bangalore city that may be utilized in forensic investigations is presented in this paper. Light microscopy was used to examine the diatom population in a total of five water samples from diverse aquatic habitats in Bangalore. A database was made utilizing the information used to identify and classify the different diatom species based on their morphology. A list of the diatom species discovered in each water sample may be found in the database. Analyzing the diatom population in five test samples taken from recognisable places in Bangalore served to confirm the database. The findings demonstrate that the database is accurate and trustworthy for classifying diatom species in Bangalore’s aquatic settings. Forensic investigators can utilize the diatom species database created in this study to pinpoint the place and timing of drowning fatalities in Bangalore city. Forensic investigators can pinpoint the site of a drowning and offer crucial evidence in court by comparing the diatom species identified in a drowning victim’s lungs and other tissues with the diatom species in the database. The database may also be utilized in Bangalore city for ecological research and evaluations of the water quality.

Keywords : To examine the diatom population in a total of five water samples from diverse aquatic habitats in Bangalore.
Corresponding Author : Mayank David Raiborde