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Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine and Pathology

Volume  17, Issue 3, July- September 2024, Pages 161-175

Original Article

Morphological Spectrum of Bone Marrow Lesions in Various Hematological Diseases

Dharani V C1, Sushma T. A2, Vinitra K3, Mythri B. M4, Gudrun Koul5, Vijay K. N6, Krisha M7, Manjunath H K8

1,8  Professor and Head, Department of Pathology, Sri Chamundeshwari Medical College, Hospital and Research Institute, Channaptna 562160, 2Associate Professor, Department of Pathology, Bowring and Lady Curzon Hospitals, Bangalore 560001, 3-5Assistant Professor, 6Senior Resident, 73rd Year MBBS Student, Department of Pathology, BGS Global Institute of Medical Sciences, Bangalore, Karnataka, 560060, India.

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Aim: This investigation was carried out to examine the diagnostic utility and value of bone marrow aspirate and biopsy in different hematological illnesses, as well as the part that both procedures play an important role in obtaining an accurate diagnosis when carried out in tandem. Methods and Material: In order to link the results of bone marrow aspiration and biopsy in diverse hematological disorders, the pathology department at BGS GIMS undertook the current prospective investigation. Bone marrow evaluation using both marrow biopsy and bone marrow aspirate was performed on 106 participants in this study. Cases without or with insufficient bone marrow aspirate for an opinion were not included in the analysis. Results: The age range of 31 to 40 years old was the most frequently observed, with a male majority. The most frequent finding was nutritional anemia, among those with nutritional anaemia, the most frequent finding was megaloblastic maturation (33.9%), micronormoblastic maturation (13.2%), and megaloblastic and micronormoblastic maturation (15.2%). Acute leukemia was 1.8% and chronic leukemia was 2.8%. Twelve cases (11.32%) of plasma cell dyscrasia were found in our study. Aplastic anemia, prostatic adenocarcinoma carcinoma metastasis, immune thrombocytopenic purpura (ITP), hematolymphoid malignancy, and myelofibrosis were among the other cases.  Conclusion: Both the bone marrow biopsy and aspiration are complementary procedures that aid in the identification of a range of haematological disorders. When combined with a clinical examination and auxiliary tests, bone marrow examination is a valuable diagnostic tool for the diagnosis of a variety of haematological illnesses.  

Keywords : Megaloblast; Multiple myeloma; Myelofibrosis; Aplastic anemia and Idiopathic Thrombocytopenic purpura.
Corresponding Author : Manjunath H K