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Indian Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology

Volume  12, Issue 2, April - June 2024, Pages 87-89

Case Report

A Large Gartner Cyst in an Unmarried 17 Years old Female: A Case Report

Nalini Sharma1 , Yapi Marging2 , Ahanthem Santa Singh3 , Dimple Kharkongor4 , Khulakpam Rimabati5

 1Additional Professor, 2,4Senior Resident, 3 Senior Professor and Head, 5 2nd  Year Post Graduate, Department of Obstetrics and  Gynecology, North Eastern Indira Gandhi Regional  Institute of Health & Medical Sciences, Shillong  793018, Meghalaya, India.

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In females during the phase of embryonic development the mesonephric ducts also known  as wolffian ducts usually degenerate although it can be a persistent remnants which may  become clinically apparent. This remnant of vestiges which can persist is called as Gartner duct.  Gartner ducts generally are located in the proximal anterolateral wall of vagina, however it can  be found at other sites along the vaginal length. It can be confused with other vaginal cysts like  skenes cysts, epidermoid cysts, inclusion cyst, sebaceuous cyst, urethral diverticula. Mostly  found fortuitously within the lateral vaginal wall during routine examination as Gartner cyst  are mostly asymptomatic presentation clinically. Even so the patient present with Symptoms  the complaints could include dyspareunia, vaginal pain, and difficulty inserting tampoons with  associated vaginal infections. The gartner cyst has low columnar epithelium which secretes  mucinous material, when the duct is blocked or occluded it gets collected which forms the cyst  thereby during vaginal examination usually a tense cyst is palpable or seen to bulge beneath  the vaginal wall. The size and extension of the cyst can be confirmed by radiological imagings  and later on by histopathological. In sympatomaticpatients marsupialization or excision of  Gartner duct cysts are usually done.

Keywords : Gartner duct; Cyst; Vaginal mass; Surgical Excision.
Corresponding Author : Yapi Marging