AbstractNutrient intakes in foods play an important role in couples’ fertility. Based on a famous study called the “fertility diet”, in which it was followed by nearly 18,000 women trying to conceive and were asked to track their nutrition and lifestyle habits over eight years, the results showed that specific eating pattern was associated to lower risk of ovulatory infertility and infertility from other causes. Thus, food plays a crucial role, as some of the nutrients in food can be helpful for fertility and others can be harmful to health and fertility. Nurses play a pivotal role in educating individuals and couples about the importance of a balanced diet for optimal reproductive health. They can provide evidence-based dietary recommendations, monitor nutritional intake, and collaborate with dietitians to develop personalized meal plans. Furthermore, nurses can offer emotional support and counseling to those facing fertility
challenges, emphasizing the role of diet as a modifiable factor that can positively influence fertility outcomes.