AbstractMenstrual hygiene deals with the special health care needs and requirements of women during monthly menstruation or menstrual cycle. These areas of special concern include choice of the best “period protection” or feminine hygiene products. Menstrual hygiene management can be challenging in low income settings and among adolescent girls due to traditional beliefs, lack of knowledge and information on best hygienic practices and limited access to appropriate menstrual hygiene products. Descriptive research design was adopted for the study. A quantitative method was used to assess the knowledge and attitude towards menstrual cup among adult women. The present study involves (N=60) adult women belonging to age of 15-25 years. The present study is conducted among 60 subjects to assess the knowledge and attitude towards menstrual cup and the result reveals that 28.33 percentages had excellent knowledge and 46.66% had average knowledge, 25% had poor knowledge. The attitude of the
adult women in this study reveals that 68.33% had negative attitude towards the menstrual cup and 31.66% had positive attitude towards menstrual cup. There is a significant difference between pre-test and post-test knowledge regarding the use of menstrual cup. The mean pre-test knowledge score was 12.383, variance 12.782, standard deviation 3.575 and the mean post-test knowledge score was 18.483, variance 1.34, standard deviation 1.157. The t test value was 12.675. There is a significant difference between pre-test and post-test attitude regarding the use of menstrual cup. The mean pre-test attitude score was 4.3, variance 6.145, standard deviation 2.479 and the mean post-test attitude score was 8.183 variance 1.0336, and standard deviation 1.017. The t stat value was 11.87.