AbstractValues are affectively laden thoughts about objects, ideas, behavior, etc. that guide behavior .The Oxford Dictionary defines the term ‘Value’ as (a) the worth of something in terms of money, (b) the quality of being useful or important, and (c) beliefs about what is right and wrong and what is important in life. ‘Value’ acquires these and other meanings depending on one’s point of view, and the subject area in which it is used. Values can be categorized by their source as spiritual, moral, material, cultural, intellectual, aesthetic, economic, political, and social values. But today, with increasing academic pressure, one is left with little or no time to inculcate even basic values in them. The result is a growing erosion of these values and qualities that are important for an all-round personality development. Then, the question arises automatically: How do we inculcate values within students? The answer is-Introduction of value-based education is a step in the right direction, Quotable Quotations with values, Values through Life - skills i.e. Communicative skills, Teaching values through subject taught, Value based co-curricular activities. A sense of belongingness must be developed amongst every individual learner by focusing on Indian contribution to world civilization, teacher education needs to emphasize values throughout in its program.[1] Some other major approaches are- Values inculcation, Moral Development, Analysis, Values Clarification, Action Learning.
Keywords: Values; Values inculcation; Moral development; Analysis.